2019 Gestão de Ativos

Waste management programme guarantees outstanding sustainable results in CascaiShopping

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Waste management programme guarantees outstanding sustainable results in CascaiShopping

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  • CascaiShopping, the first regional centre developed by Sonae Sierra, has opened in 1991 and it wasn’t built according to the rigorous safety, health and environment design standards, implemented only in 1998.
  • After some important changes in 2013 that allowed to improve the operation and waste management, the shopping centre’s management team kept its effort and commitment in improving the shopping centre recycling rate.
  • CascaiShopping receives more than 12 million visits, the 198 shops and the restaurants’ operation generates around 1700 tons of waste every year, which means waste management is a heavy and critical operation in this shopping centre

After a deep study of the operation, the management team implemented some measures that allowed to improve the waste recycling rate and the quality of the service to their visitors, as well as, reduce the operational cost and reduce the safety risks:

  • Distribution of waste areas scattered throughout the technical corridors for being used easily by tenants;
  • Creation of a centralized waste sorting area for the food court and gravitational waste ducts with alarm signalling;
  • Elimination of service stations (areas where cleaning team sorted waste) in the Food Court, and replacement with fixed areas of trays collectors;
  • Implementation of waste sorting equipment in the main waste dock

12 million

visits per year


shops and restaurants


investment, paid back
in less than 2 years


in the recycling rate

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