22-23 May

MAPIC Italy 2024

Milan, Italy

Superstudio Maxi, Milan, Italy

Stand D09

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Over 2 days, retailers, leisure operators, restaurant chains, shopping centres developers & owners connect to expand and develop their business in Italy. Join to discover the latest development and urban regeneration projects that are transforming the heart of our cities and meet the main brands, leisure operators and restaurant chains. Together let’s build the sustainable mixed-use and urban regeneration projects of the future!


Meet the Team

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José Maria Robles

Director, Property Management, Italy, Romania & Greece

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Nicola Semprevivo

Manager, Operations, Property Management, Italy

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Juan Carlos Guilabert

Head of Leasing, Key Accounts, Property Management

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Lucia Riva

Leasing Country Manager, Property Management, Italy

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Amna Redzepagic

Leasing Coordinator, Property Management, Italy

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Susanna Taranto

Leasing Manager, Property Management, Italy

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Claudia Cabiddu

Leasing Manager, Property Management, Italy

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Elena Silion

Leasing Specialist, Property Management, Italy

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João Pedro Santos

Director, Conceptual Design & Architecture, Reify.

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Edoardo Vanetti

Design Manager, Conceptual Design & Architecture, Reify.

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Andrea Ometto

Director, Asset Management & Finance, Italy & Greece

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Stefano Paviano

Developments Manager, Italy

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Patrícia Gross

Manager, Business Development, Spain

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Chiara Turati

Specialist, Corporate Communication


Our Speakers

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Job Position

José María Robles

Property Management

Director, Property Management Italy, Greece & Romania

I progetti mixed-use strumento di rigenerazione delle nostre cittá:
– Retail, nuove comunitá e consumatori responsabili;
– Il ruolo del commercio nella rigenerazione delle aree urbane;
– E, S, e G: linee guida nella riqualificazione delle aree urbane;


Case Studies

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