23 Fév 25 nouvelles
Maia – Portugal · 22 February 2022
Sonae Sierra has launched a new image and positioning, illustrating the company’s new strategic cycle.
“Our new business strategy includes a renewed ambition for growth and requires the company to be more open to new market sectors, with a more comprehensive and flexible positioning. ‘Open mind’ means that. With this open-mindedness, we want to generate more economic, environmental and social value (“Greater value”), through the creation, development and management of spaces for the cities of the future, with a better and more sustainable quality of life for people and communities,” coments Inês Drummond Borges, Chief Transformation Officer of Sierra.
In addition to communicating a renewed focus on value creation, opening up to more diverse businesses, this evolution will enhance aspects that have always differentiated the company in the market. These include the ability to create long term partnerships with key investors, institutions and professional. The enhancement of local perspectives combined with the good practices of an international player, the pragmatism and know-how to make things happen and a focus on sustainability, are other aspects that will be reinforced by this new positioning. This new image is in line with the renewal of Sonae’s identity.
A new cycle, a new strategy
This brand repositioning illustrates Sierra’s new business strategy, recently disclosed, which is based on four pillars.
The first is the expansion of the investment fund management business, by creating vehicles tailored to the profitability and sustainability objectives of different types of investors.
The second is an extension of the company’s real estate development activity to include sustainable and differentiating urban projects, integrated into the lives of local communities and with different uses, such as residential, office, leisure and commercial.
The third is the strengthening of the real estate services offer, in line with new concepts in city living, through Reify., Sierra’s business unit focused on delivering multidisciplinary solutions to create, change, or boost spaces.
The fourth pillar involves preparing the portfolio of shopping centres under management for the future, through the creation of differentiating and multi-channel experiences, adding value to consumers, tenants and partners.
Sustainability remains key to Sonae Sierra’s positioning in all business areas, a factor which has always been an element of differentiation for the Company.
Press Release
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