23 Fév 25 nouvelles
Maia – Portugal, 13 December 2022
Sonae Sierra has formally adhered to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), becoming a signatory to the principles that promote sustainable investment, through the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in investment decisions.
Commitment to the principles of this network allows Sierra to join with a group of business leaders that are at the forefront of best practice in responsible investments, representing a mark of trust and credibility with investors.
The pledge is in line with the history of the company, that for more than two decades has integrated sustainability as a pillar of positioning in all business areas, but also fits with the application of its new strategy, namely in the growth of its Investment Management business in partnership with leading international and responsible investors.
Fernando Guedes de Oliveria, Chief Executive Officer of Sierra, says: “The PRI are fully aligned with our sustainability strategy and the ESG principles that were embedded in our values since 1995. We want to be part of the group of investors that drives change towards reaching global benchmarks in terms of ESG. The hallmark of these principles is another public commitment by Sierra towards responsible investment, and we are convinced that our investors are aligned with our increasing awareness and support for companies that want to respect and implement the best ESG practices.”
The PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) are a network of investors supported by the United Nations, which aims to promote sustainable investment through the integration of environmental, social and governance principles in investment decision-making. This initiative has defined six principles that align investors with the growing objectives and needs of companies. The signatory companies undertake to implement these principles. Among them is the requirement to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance criteria into the analysis of investment processes and decision-making, as well as working together with other signatories to increase effectiveness in implementing the principles.
At the end of last year, Sierra Prime and Iberia Coop, funds managed by Sierra, obtained the Green Star level for the 13th consecutive year in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment, which assesses the ESG performance of real estate assets worldwide.
Sierra was also the first Portuguese real estate company to refinance part of its corporate debt, through the issuance of bonds linked to its sustainability performance, reinforcing its reputation as a leader in the management of sustainable vehicles.
Press Release
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