2018 Diseño y construcción

Cascais Kitchen, the new disrupting wave of food courts

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Cascais Kitchen, the new disrupting wave of food courts

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  • In CascaiShopping, an adjacent area of the food court was underutilized and underperforming with some outdating restaurants.
  • After MyCourt study, developed by Market Intelligence department, the Development Services team has decided to implement a pilot solution in this area of the shopping centre, a new concept, a new design and a new way to enjoy and spend time in a food court area.
  • Inspired in traditional markets, Cascais Kitchen is a new and inspiring place, marked by its singularity and dynamic approach, responding to the new consumer trends identified by MyCourt research.
  • Development Services team implemented an innovative and disruptive food court space with a casual atmosphere for families and friends to meet, eat and have pleasant and entertaining time.
  • Intimate and cosy, Cascais Kitchen is also marked by its diversity and versatility using different elements, materials and settings allowing this multifunctional space to blend work, relaxation and different food concepts.




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